Monday, March 30, 2015

Choosing a Top-Notch Pond Cleaning Service

There are so many great benefits to having a pond on your property! They are beautiful works of art displayed on your lawn or business and can really be the focal point of your landscaping design. Nonetheless, as majestic as they can be, they can turn ugly rather quickly. Eventually, ponds just beg for a thorough cleaning: they can become murky and almost swamp-like!  That’s were pond cleaning comes in!

Choosing a pond cleaning service can be stressful. There is such an importance to routine pond maintenance that, as a pond owner, you may not be aware of. The benefits of having a clean pond not only stem from an aesthetic point of view, but also in creating a healthy habitat for your aquatic and plant life. Let American Underwater Services be your number one when choosing a pond cleaning service, as we will take the stress out of your pond cleaning!

Backed by experience and our positive client feedback, we’ve made it a mission to beautify both natural and man-made bodies of water. We go into every job with the right tools and knowledge to complete the job you’re looking for. Especially for our pond cleaning service, we understand that you want to maintain your pond’s existing beauty or get your pond back to manageable conditions. Call us today for your entire pond cleaning services! 

Friday, March 13, 2015

What do commercial divers really do?

A commercial diver is a skilled professional who performs underwater jobs for private and government organizations. Integral members of construction, inspection and maintenance teams, they perform tasks in a range of sectors from the oil and gas industry to municipal water and sewer departments. Many of the construction and maintenance assignments that they perform are similar to jobs typically performed on land. The expertise of these divers ensures that crucial systems are working properly, which reduces the risk of harm to the environment. The equipment that divers use depends upon the type of job that they are performing.

Offshore divers work in challenging open-water environments and may live on oil rigs or service vessels for extended periods. They install, inspect and repair pipelines, pumps, valves and other equipment. Inland divers work on projects in lakes, rivers and harbors. These divers inspect and repair bridges, dams and other civil engineering projects. Some divers undergo additional specialized training that enables them to weld underwater or work in hazardous environments, such as sewer and reactor water intake and discharge systems, which contain toxic chemicals and radiation. While scientific divers collect data for research and environmental projects, media divers operate underwater cameras for television and movie productions. Commercial divers may also perform marine salvage and wreck removal operations.