Friday, February 20, 2015

What Kinds of Commercial Divers Exist?

What recreational divers do for fun, commercial divers do for a living, laboring beneath the surface for a widely divergent range of industries. The numerous options present an equally broad variety of dangers that differ in severity from one job to the next.

Offshore Commercial Divers

Most of the divers in this risky category work for the offshore drilling industry, performing undersea exploration in addition to building or maintaining underwater structures.

Inland Commercial Divers: While some inland divers concentrate on bridge building and wastewater treatment, others specialize in such diverse areas as fish farming and hydroelectric plant maintenance. These underwater versions of civil engineers operate largely in rivers and freshwater lakes. 

Navy Divers: The duties of Navy divers revolve mainly around the offshore inspection and maintenance of seagoing vessels. When necessary, however, they may also assist in recovering plane crash and shipwreck debris.

Media Divers: The filming of movies and still shots deep in the sea allows for underwater cinematographers to wet their feet in the world of entertainment with no acting talent required.

Hazardous Material Divers
: In what may be the most dangerous of all commercial diving positions, the duties of HAZMAT divers can range from pollution control to sewer maintenance and dead body recovery. The job can expose them to a variety of poisonous substances and waterborne diseases, and post-dive decontamination is routine. 

Scientific Divers: Underwater scientists dive the depths to measure, count, and collect samples of underwater organisms. Their duties may include surveying, taking pictures, and setting up study equipment.

With so many types of commercial diving jobs from which to choose, the field presents a wide choice to anyone in search of the perfect underwater career!

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